About ReCoE

This multidisciplinary project aims at delivering solutions to reduce the Cost of Energy (CoE) in sustainable offshore wind power energy systems (including the wind turbine and the balance of plant (BoP)). Reduction of CoE is the main focus of The European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) and the Danish Megavind recommendations.

ReCoE considers how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can improve their competitiveness and contribute positively to the industry. Special emphasis will be placed on the organization of the development process for offshore wind projects that will allow these to be driven by industrial demands.

The strategic task to maintain and enhance the status of Denmark as a world leading hub for technology and production for the offshore wind energy sector will be the central point of orientation.

Based on an in-depth industry involvement, the overall objective of the project is to provide new knowledge on means to reduce CoE of offshore wind energy through industrialization of the sector. The project will support the Megavind (2010) vision of a 50 per cent reduction of CoE in 2020.

Research objectives

The strategic research project will be unfolded in five major work packages (WPs) and a number of PhD projects.


Recoe Kickoff meeting

Interviews with participants