Victoria Baagøe-Engels
Industrial Ph.D. Student

University of Southern Denmark
Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management

Contact info

Research interest
Operation and maintenance within offshore wind, Supply Chain Management, Ambidexterity


PhD - Ambidextrous O&M Capabilities in Offshore Wind Cluster

The purpose of this industrial Ph.D. is to understand and develop new knowlegde of the concept ambidexterity, which is the ability to simultaneously explorate and exploitate. The Ph.D. seeks to explore the role of ambidexterity in the different development stages for operation and maintance in the offshore wind industry.

The Industrial Ph.D. seeks to answers the research questions through three work packages

The methods used in this industrial Ph.D. to create the empirical foundation are:

Empirical Foundation
The method used is

Theoretical Frame
The theoretical frame for this Ph.D is: